Six things every businessperson should know about data visualization

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Six Things Every Businessperson should know about Data Visualization

Many organizations don’t realize how much faster and accurate their decision making would be if they were better at data visualization. Indeed, most organizations struggle with seeing and understanding their data (think about some of those 100-page slide decks and 60-column spreadsheets.)

In this presentation, Zen Master hall-of-famer and best-selling author Steve Wexler will share proven best practices and real-life examples for building charts and dashboards that will help your organization find more and better insights from your data. You will see:

  • How people process and mis-process information
  • Why “just the numbers” isn’t good enough
  • Why most people screw up using color
  • The secret to engaging your audience and the power of disaggregated data
  • Why you should collaborate with your stakeholders
  • What you should always keep in mind when building visualizations

Whether you’re a beginner who is seeking guidance or an experienced practitioner looking for ammunition to help drive change, you will find this session informative, entertaining, and USEFUL.

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